What To Do When Your Checks Are Altered | New Tripoli Bank
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What To Do When Your Checks Are Altered

February 29, 2024


Mail check fraud continues to be a serious problem facing consumers and banks and combatting this epidemic of fraud is a top priority for the security team here at New Tripoli Bank. This type of fraud occurs when someone steals uncashed checks, either from personal or Post Office mail boxes (i.e. the blue mailboxes), then "washes" the checks and alters them to cash out themselves or sells uncashed checks online. This leaves the person who wrote the check paying someone who is not the intended recipient.

New Tripoli Bank has put together a helpful infographic to help our customers who have been targeted by mail check fraud, which you can view here: https://www.newtripolibank.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/1709237178-AlteredChecksHandout.pdf 

What should you do when you fall victim to this type of fraud? Don’t beat yourself up! Anyone can fall victim to fraud and you shouldn’t feel stupid for being targeted by criminals. New Tripoli Bank is ready to help ensure your money and identity are kept safe from scammers.

  1. Contact your bank and alert them that your personal financial information has been stolen.
  2. Create a list of outstanding checks or any regular incoming or outgoing payments. You will need this information when you open a new account.
  3. Visit your bank to close old accounts. New Tripoli Bank customer service representatives are trained to help customers close accounts that have been targeted by fraud and open new ones.
  4. File a police report with your local police department.
  5. Go to USPS.com to report stolen mail to the United States Postal Service or contact the U.S. Postal Inspector’s Office by calling 1-877-876-2455.

Where can I file complaints?


Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

Complaints can be filed with the CFPB at www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/

The CFPB hears complaints about deposit accounts, credit cards, debt collection, and more.

You will be asked for dates, dollar amounts, and communications relevant to your complaint. You are allowed to attach documentation to prove your case.

FRB Logo

Federal Reserve Board (FRB)

Complaints about financial institutions can be filed with the FRB at https://forms.federalreserveconsumerhelp.gov/secure/complaint/formComplaintIntro.html

You will be asked for identifying information, information on the financial institution you are reporting, and an explanation of how you feel your issue can be resolved.

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Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

You can report scams to the FTC at https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/

You will be asked to provide information including how much money the scammer was paid, how the money was sent, the dates when money was sent, and how you were contacted.

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